I've used this plugin both with 8D Character Creator and LPC Character Generator (both can be found on itch) and thanks to Chaucer it worked flawlesly! I cant recommend this plugin enough, especially if you are going with more than 3 frame sprite animations! Besides, Chaucer is the most understanding and helpful dev in this community ( call it RPGM community or plugin devs). I had a compatibility issue with is plugin and some others, he dedicated his hours helping me, and even updated *this* plugin just so it would work in my project... He deserves all the praises! Again, if you're going with 8dir or atleast more than 3 frame sprite animations, you won't regret buying this plugin, its %100 worth its money.
Sadly, chaucer has passed away..., so any updates are unlikely to be possible. This applies to all content that belongs to him (Rosedale Studio). But I agree, he was always so helpful and kind. Rest in peace, chaucer.
I apologize, no 3D version is currently available, but I do plan to add suport for the rose engine, however it wont be for some time I already have too many things going as it is T_T
Oh my GOD it works!!!!!! I was already enchanted by the Collision Plugin and desperately tried to find something to match a dash animation... I don't know why I did not find this earlier but better late than never. You are such a blessing for this community, I feel like your plugins will make a big difference for unique designs. And with such quality, I really don't mind paying for it.
that is correct you can set idle animations for all 4 directions! all animations work in all 4 directions ( or 8 if the feature is on for the dataset used )
hmmmm so... columns( up and down ), will remain the same, unless your using 8 directional characters. however the rows( left to right ) you can make as many frames for each animation as you want so long as your have the memory for it. :)
that is correct this only applies to characters, the reason being was I am using this as a sort of base for my upcoming ABS( will be live probably pretty soon! ). :)
Hi! For weeks I've been looking for a couple of plugins that implement Pixel Movement with diagonal walking animations and especially diagonal running animations for RPG Maker MZ. I finally think I've found what I need! I have some technical questions before purchasing.
1. What I'm most interested in knowing: Has the speed of diagonal movement been normalized? So reduced to be similar to that in a straight direction? (From the video I can't understand this detail, for my project it is essential that the character moves at the same speed in all axes).
2. To have free movement on pixels + various diagonal animations (walking, running, idle and custom) I need the Character Motion + Collision Altering plugins, correct?
3. Is it possible to set custom animations that follow various criteria such as the animation of the character sitting on the ground after 60 seconds in Idle animation?
Your plugins would be essential for my project if they meet at least point 1.
Hello! I'll answer your questions in order, and sorry for the delay!
1. Yes, speeds are normalized, no more walking faster diagonally, than you would walk in a straight direction. This is resolved by the Collision Altering Plugin, not character motions though.
2. That is correct, you need both plugins in order to get both the pixel movement, AND custom animations.
3. Technically this can be done via eventing I believe yes, if you set a parallel event that is constantly running, you could check the players current motion, is idle,( $gamePlayer._motion == 'idle' ), and increase a variable when this condition is met, when the variable reaches 60, you could play a new animation! :)
I hope these plugins will find use in your project!
Thanks for your inquiry! :D I hope my resonses were helpful
Thanks a lot for the answer! I also wrote to you on the rpg maker forum, sorry for bothering you.
Perfect for the normalized speed and animations, you really did a great job!
Thank you also for the explanation of the event command. Now that I have this information I will absolutely purchase your plugin, it offers truly unique and fundamental features in my case.
Thank you again for your kindness, I can't wait to test the great possibilities it offers.
it is no bother at all!! I'm honored to have you consider using my code in your game at all! If you run into any issues, or need further assistance, don't hesitate to message again! Although I do tend to respond quicker on the Rosedae Discord server ^^ but if you don't use discord, I still try to answer all questions here, and in the rmw forum! :) alternatively you can also contact me via email( both the discord, and email, are located it all my plugins ^^ )
Hello! I'm using RPG Maker MZ and I'm trying to run this plugin, but I'm new with RPG Maker (and a it's seems that a little dork, too :/ ), and I don't know how to make it work.
I've created a idle, walk and dash animation separatly, and I've added them in the plugin, but I don't know how to make it work. The animations are 8 columns with 4 rows (They are 8 frames animations), and with the name like: $name_idle.png
Have I to put any command, comment, note, or something in the character to activate it? (In the help notes are explicated the commands for MV version, but I don't know how to do it for MZ).
In the Database (in Characters) you have to choose a character image but if I do it there it appears all frames at the same time or if not chosed, appears nothing (no character at all, it's invisible)
Could you help me with this and explain how can I activate this plugin?
A video showing step by step the activation would be wonderful. (A "How to use for dorks" like me :D)
Sorry for the bad english, and your scripts are awesome. (The one for CollisionAltering has saved my life :) )
So for character( actors in the data base ), you need to add a note tag, specifying <motion_data:data_name> whereas data_name, is the name of the actual data in the plugin manager( when you setup a set of motions, I.E. the walk, run, idle, jump, etc.., it also asks for you to give it a name, this is the name you will use ).
As for events, the you simply add a comment, instead a note tag, but the format is the same <motion_data:NAME>, note that this comment ONLY activates for the page the comment is placed on! :)
I have a problem, I'd like to add the stop motion plugin command but it's not showing up for me in the drop down under command name.
Is it suppose to be like that?
Or am I suppose to call it another way?
Right after I use an animation, (I have it setup as a button click makes the animation activate for the player) it causes my players sprite to disappear. Not sure what I did wrong.
I believe this was a bug? Or perhaps It's something I never added in the first place, not sure, but I can check it out, and add it if it does not exist.
As for the animationss disappearing... I've heard some people have this issue but I have in no way been able to replicate this. This only happens when a graphic is used when it is not yet loaded into memory. BUT my plugin specifically loads the file into memory, and actually delays the animation from playing UNTIL the images are fully loaded, thus preventing this issue( or so it should ), if this is replicable can you please possible either on discord, or via email, send me a copy of the project so I can attempt to find out where/how this issue is occuring? I would greatly appreciate it. ^^;
So good news! it seems I forgot to add the parameters for the motion stop request! This has been fixed, and the stop motion feature is now available in MZ!
Hello!~ this plugin is setup via plugin parameters, you define a whole set of animations as a data set, for example, you specify, the idle animation, the walk animation, and run animation, as seperate images, then when those specific actions are performed in game, they automatically execute. Only custom animations( like casting a fishing rod, or swinging a sword, etc ), would need to be called via plugin command. ^^
Oi oi!~ I currently plan to sell this on steam, but in order to do so, I need to get approval from from Komodo( formerly Known as Degica ), which I have contacted them about this and a few other plugins as well! However it will take quite some time, for my Collision Plugin to reach steam, it took several months from the time I contacted them/got everything ready, to the time where it actually got published... u_u So it may be a long while befopre it sees a steam launch. However if you want I can probably send you a discount coupon, just message me on discord( not sure if your in the Rosedale Studios Discord )! :D
Oh, I see... what a shame that the process of publishing plugins is so slow and bureaucratic.
On the other hand, I would be delighted with the coupon, thank you very much!!! I'll talk to you on discord!! (I'm not on the server, but you've helped me on the rpg maker forum before hahaha)
Another well documented and easy to understand tool!
Amazing how smooth and good it works too!
Something simple as being able to make each animation (Idle, Walk, Dash) more frames and change the animation speeds is many times overlooked but yet so needed!
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I've used this plugin both with 8D Character Creator and LPC Character Generator (both can be found on itch) and thanks to Chaucer it worked flawlesly! I cant recommend this plugin enough, especially if you are going with more than 3 frame sprite animations!
Besides, Chaucer is the most understanding and helpful dev in this community ( call it RPGM community or plugin devs).
I had a compatibility issue with is plugin and some others, he dedicated his hours helping me, and even updated *this* plugin just so it would work in my project...
He deserves all the praises!
Again, if you're going with 8dir or atleast more than 3 frame sprite animations, you won't regret buying this plugin, its %100 worth its money.
Sadly, chaucer has passed away..., so any updates are unlikely to be possible. This applies to all content that belongs to him (Rosedale Studio). But I agree, he was always so helpful and kind. Rest in peace, chaucer.
2 questions.
Is there a 3d version of this? or
is this already compatible with rose engine?
I apologize, no 3D version is currently available, but I do plan to add suport for the rose engine, however it wont be for some time I already have too many things going as it is T_T
wonderful plugin!
Thank you for the kind words! and thank you for your support ^^ I hope it helps you complete your project(s). ^.^
Sure does,no more struggle with animation on map,not even limited to a single spritesheet. Truly a wonderful percepective
Oh my GOD it works!!!!!! I was already enchanted by the Collision Plugin and desperately tried to find something to match a dash animation... I don't know why I did not find this earlier but better late than never. You are such a blessing for this community, I feel like your plugins will make a big difference for unique designs. And with such quality, I really don't mind paying for it.
So does this allow me to set up specific idle animations for when my character is facing left or right as well as when their facing forwards?
that is correct you can set idle animations for all 4 directions! all animations work in all 4 directions ( or 8 if the feature is on for the dataset used )
So do I just format the spritesheet with the same 4 rows but I can specify how many columns
hmmmm so... columns( up and down ), will remain the same, unless your using 8 directional characters. however the rows( left to right ) you can make as many frames for each animation as you want so long as your have the memory for it. :)
Thank you for your replies I've got the plugin working good now. I assume that this doesn't work for sideview battlers
that is correct this only applies to characters, the reason being was I am using this as a sort of base for my upcoming ABS( will be live probably pretty soon! ). :)
For weeks I've been looking for a couple of plugins that implement Pixel Movement with diagonal walking animations and especially diagonal running animations for RPG Maker MZ. I finally think I've found what I need! I have some technical questions before purchasing.
1. What I'm most interested in knowing: Has the speed of diagonal movement been normalized? So reduced to be similar to that in a straight direction? (From the video I can't understand this detail, for my project it is essential that the character moves at the same speed in all axes).
2. To have free movement on pixels + various diagonal animations (walking, running, idle and custom) I need the Character Motion + Collision Altering plugins, correct?
3. Is it possible to set custom animations that follow various criteria such as the animation of the character sitting on the ground after 60 seconds in Idle animation?
Your plugins would be essential for my project if they meet at least point 1.
Thank you so much for your time :)
Hello! I'll answer your questions in order, and sorry for the delay!
1. Yes, speeds are normalized, no more walking faster diagonally, than you would walk in a straight direction. This is resolved by the Collision Altering Plugin, not character motions though.
2. That is correct, you need both plugins in order to get both the pixel movement, AND custom animations.
3. Technically this can be done via eventing I believe yes, if you set a parallel event that is constantly running, you could check the players current motion, is idle,( $gamePlayer._motion == 'idle' ), and increase a variable when this condition is met, when the variable reaches 60, you could play a new animation! :)
I hope these plugins will find use in your project!
Thanks for your inquiry! :D I hope my resonses were helpful
Thanks a lot for the answer! I also wrote to you on the rpg maker forum, sorry for bothering you.
Perfect for the normalized speed and animations, you really did a great job!
Thank you also for the explanation of the event command. Now that I have this information I will absolutely purchase your plugin, it offers truly unique and fundamental features in my case.
Thank you again for your kindness, I can't wait to test the great possibilities it offers.
Greetings! :)
it is no bother at all!! I'm honored to have you consider using my code in your game at all! If you run into any issues, or need further assistance, don't hesitate to message again! Although I do tend to respond quicker on the Rosedae Discord server ^^ but if you don't use discord, I still try to answer all questions here, and in the rmw forum! :) alternatively you can also contact me via email( both the discord, and email, are located it all my plugins ^^ )
Hello! I'm using RPG Maker MZ and I'm trying to run this plugin, but I'm new with RPG Maker (and a it's seems that a little dork, too :/ ), and I don't know how to make it work.
I've created a idle, walk and dash animation separatly, and I've added them in the plugin, but I don't know how to make it work. The animations are 8 columns with 4 rows (They are 8 frames animations), and with the name like: $name_idle.png
Have I to put any command, comment, note, or something in the character to activate it? (In the help notes are explicated the commands for MV version, but I don't know how to do it for MZ).
In the Database (in Characters) you have to choose a character image but if I do it there it appears all frames at the same time or if not chosed, appears nothing (no character at all, it's invisible)
Could you help me with this and explain how can I activate this plugin?
A video showing step by step the activation would be wonderful. (A "How to use for dorks" like me :D)
Sorry for the bad english, and your scripts are awesome. (The one for CollisionAltering has saved my life :) )
Thank you!
So for character( actors in the data base ), you need to add a note tag, specifying <motion_data:data_name> whereas data_name, is the name of the actual data in the plugin manager( when you setup a set of motions, I.E. the walk, run, idle, jump, etc.., it also asks for you to give it a name, this is the name you will use ).
As for events, the you simply add a comment, instead a note tag, but the format is the same <motion_data:NAME>, note that this comment ONLY activates for the page the comment is placed on! :)
That's all there is to it though ^^
I have a problem, I'd like to add the stop motion plugin command but it's not showing up for me in the drop down under command name.
Is it suppose to be like that?
Or am I suppose to call it another way?
Right after I use an animation, (I have it setup as a button click makes the animation activate for the player) it causes my players sprite to disappear. Not sure what I did wrong.
I believe this was a bug? Or perhaps It's something I never added in the first place, not sure, but I can check it out, and add it if it does not exist.
As for the animationss disappearing... I've heard some people have this issue but I have in no way been able to replicate this. This only happens when a graphic is used when it is not yet loaded into memory. BUT my plugin specifically loads the file into memory, and actually delays the animation from playing UNTIL the images are fully loaded, thus preventing this issue( or so it should ), if this is replicable can you please possible either on discord, or via email, send me a copy of the project so I can attempt to find out where/how this issue is occuring? I would greatly appreciate it. ^^;
Absolutely, I'll send the project on discord so you can see whats really going on. I hope it can help.
So good news! it seems I forgot to add the parameters for the motion stop request! This has been fixed, and the stop motion feature is now available in MZ!
Do you have a demo for a more clear way of how to use this plugin? Examples always help me better understand. Thanks for the awesome plugin.
Hey i want to know what is the trigger to make sprite's idle motion(the breathing effect in vedio) ,is it a plugin command or in the notebox?
Hello!~ this plugin is setup via plugin parameters, you define a whole set of animations as a data set, for example, you specify, the idle animation, the walk animation, and run animation, as seperate images, then when those specific actions are performed in game, they automatically execute. Only custom animations( like casting a fishing rod, or swinging a sword, etc ), would need to be called via plugin command. ^^
Hello! Do you plan to sell this on Steam sometime? Buying there is cheaper for me because of the payment facilities they have =D
Oi oi!~ I currently plan to sell this on steam, but in order to do so, I need to get approval from from Komodo( formerly Known as Degica ), which I have contacted them about this and a few other plugins as well! However it will take quite some time, for my Collision Plugin to reach steam, it took several months from the time I contacted them/got everything ready, to the time where it actually got published... u_u So it may be a long while befopre it sees a steam launch. However if you want I can probably send you a discount coupon, just message me on discord( not sure if your in the Rosedale Studios Discord )! :D
Oh, I see... what a shame that the process of publishing plugins is so slow and bureaucratic.
On the other hand, I would be delighted with the coupon, thank you very much!!! I'll talk to you on discord!! (I'm not on the server, but you've helped me on the rpg maker forum before hahaha)
neat, Ill be sure to nab it when I get back on my feet.
Another well documented and easy to understand tool!
Amazing how smooth and good it works too!
Something simple as being able to make each animation (Idle, Walk, Dash) more frames and change the animation speeds is many times overlooked but yet so needed!